
Pomurje Region

Where everything grows

Pomurje Region


A region that offers endless new possibilities
that does not rush and that provides the quality of life you want

We preserve tradition and help create the future

From large pots and containers smaller pots and products are grown, inspired by the present. Using techniques from the past.
Lončarna, ceramics by nika škof

Pomurje Region - Future dance

From group dances and strictly set steps modern choreographies and movements emerge. With feelings from the past.
Festival Front@

From grandmother’s and grandfather’s simple dishes new combinations and textures are created. With tastes from the past.
Gostilna Rajh

Pomurje Region - Future food

In a time of constant hurry, we know how to stop and take in the surroundings

An investment or a simple visit – read more on the following websites

Visit us and see for yourself that a successful business life can be led more leisurely.

Visit Pomurje

Invest Pomurje

Invest in Pomurje

Questions? Get in touch with us.

Razvojni center Murska Sobota
Kardoševa 2
9000 Murska Sobota

T: 00386 (0)5 908 11 45
E: info@rcms.si